Wangwushan National Geopark met the first geopark evaluation of Henan Province



On November 5th and 6th, the expert group of geopark evaluation from Department of Henan Land and Resources which was led by Zhang Tianyi conducted the two-day field study work in Wangwushan National Geopark.

This assessment was the first round to the formal national geoparks in Henan Province after the introduction of the rules of Henan Geopark Evaluation. The evaluation includes: geopark planning, geoconservation, illustration and identification system construction, scientific research and science education, communication and cooperation, participation of residents, geopark information construction, geopark management organization, geopark socioeconomic performance, etc. the evaluation result was divided into three grade, namely excellent, qualification and disqualification, and the disqualified geopark should make rectification within a definite time.

After the material checking and field trip in two days, the expert group gave full affirmation on the work of geoconservation, geoscience publicity, the promotion of the geopark museum construction, the designing of the geopark featured souvenirs, geopark cooperative partnership of Wangwushan National Geopark. At the same time, they made some advices and suggestions on the field science education platform and the construction of the exploration hall.

Wangwushan-Daimeishan UNESCO Global Geopark Telephone: 0391-6667067