The 3rd Revision on the Decoration and Design of Rectification for Wangwushan-Daimeishan Global Geopark


On April 8, leaders from Jiyuan Bureau of Land and Resources listened to the decoration and design of rectification of Wangwushan-Daimeishan Global Geopark in the meetingroom in order to do the work of the next revalidation of Wangwushan-Daimeishan Global Geopark in 2015. Participate in the meeting were Feng Zhengdao, Yang Lixin, Guo Yusheng and other related personnel from geological environment department and the Geopark administration.

The design of rectification hinged around the six suggestions from the feedback of the UNESCO experts. They do a new design on the exhibition content, methods, technology, materials based the original space, to highlight the special glamour and local features.

The leaders and participants reviewed the design when they listed to the report and exchanged of views on it. And next they will revise and improve the design and report to the leaders of the city government.


Wangwushan-Daimeishan UNESCO Global Geopark Telephone: 0391-6667067