Geological processes within the Earth's interior


Internal geological processes refer to geological processes primarily caused by internal energy within the Earth. It generally originates and occurs within the Earth's interior, but can often affect the Earth's surface, manifested as volcanic activity, tectonic movements, etc. The internal geological processes mainly include magmatism, metamorphism, and tectonic movement.

Magmatism: Magma in the deep crust has a high temperature and is subjected to great pressure. When a rupture zone occurs during crustal movement, local pressure decreases, and magma moves in the direction of pressure reduction. Magma moves in the direction of pressure reduction, rises along the rupture zone, and invades the crust, which is called intrusive activity; If it erupts from the ground, it is called volcanic activity; At the same time, it constantly changes its chemical composition and physicochemical state during transportation due to the influence of differentiation and assimilation, until it condenses into rock. This entire process, including magmatic activity and condensation, is called magmatic activity. The entire process of underground magma ejecting from the surface through magma channels is called volcanic activity, as shown in the following figure. The volcanic cones formed during the Neogene and Quaternary periods in the Alshan Mountains, as well as the lava in the Bukhalaha River, are all the results of volcanic activity.


Landscape of volcanic eruptions and lava spills

Metamorphism refers to the process in which rocks that already exist in the Earth's crust undergo changes in physical and chemical conditions due to tectonic movement, magmatic activity, changes in heat flow within the crust, and impacts of meteorites on the Earth's surface, resulting in varying degrees of alteration in the mineral composition and structural structure (sometimes also chemical composition) of the original rock.

Tectonic movement: The mechanical movement of crustal or lithospheric material primarily caused by energy within the Earth's interior. It is often manifested by rock deformation, displacement, and changes in surface morphology.

Wangwushan-Daimeishan UNESCO Global Geopark Telephone: 0391-6667067